Join ECU’92 on a virtual trip to celebrate their 29th birthday during a week full of activities and fun in paradise!


Theme Reveal

After a whole year of Corona-stress it’s time to give our mind and bodies some relaxation!

Take a trip to ParaDIES!

ECU’92 treats you on a well-deserved vacation! We all virtually gather on Schiphol on Monday afternoon, where the DIES Reception will take place.

When we are ready for take-off, we will fly to Cuba, where we are welcomed with a Salsa Workshop on Tuesday afternoon. It is a short stay, because in the evening we fly off again towards Miami. However, we crash on a uninhabited island! Are we able to Escape the Island and continue our flight? (Spoiler alert: yes we are.)

On a rooftop-bar in Miami, we enjoy our Cocktail Workshop – this takes place on Wednesday night. Followed by the best party of the year: the Silent Disco! While still in the party vibe, we take off again to Hawaii!

Arriving at the Hawaiian beach on Thursday morning, a complete Hangover Brunch package is waiting for us. Afterwards, we will learn everything about Tax Paradises (lecture).

The last paradise that we visit is Tahiti! On Friday evening, we will close of our holidays with a Cantus. Make sure your voice is on point to sing along with the biggest hits!

Happy and (not so) well-rested we return home at the end of the evening!

How Can I Join?

Sign up for every event that you would like to attend below (separately)!

All events will take place in one MS Teams channel. You can already join the channel now to stay updated about everything. ALL communication will go through this channel, so make sure to check it regularly!

Housemates Are Invited Too!

You don’t want to isolate from your housemates during these amazing events? Invite them as well!*

They can all sign up individually through the links on this website!

*The DIES Reception is the only event that is exclusively for former and current members.


Subscriptions close on the 21nd of March at 23:59.