Batavieren Race will take place between Friday 28th and Sunday 30th of April .
Batavieren Race is the largest relay race in the world that takes place annually in the Netherlands, with over 350 teams and 8000 students participating in the challenge! You will run in over 175km from Nijmegen to Enschede, with a team of 25! There are 16 men’s and 9 woman’s stages with distances varying form 3.5 km to 10.7km.
But the race is not the only attraction, as after the competition is over, we finish of the event at the largest student party in the Benelux with over 12 000 participants! Its a total of 2 days and nights of fun!
ECU’92 has a long tradition of fielding a team, would you like to join in and be a part of history?
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask at ECU room at Spinoza 1.14, email us at!
Sing up to the interest list!
Click the link to sign up!